AsTra model

ASsessment of TRAnsport Strategies

ASTRA (ASsessment of TRAnsport Strategies) is an integrated assessment model applied since more than 20 years for strategic policy assessment in the transport and energy field. It covers EU27 Countries plus Great Britain, Norway and Switzerland, and integrates nine modules linked together in manifold ways: a vehicle fleet model, transport model, emission and accident models, population model, foreign trade and economic model with input-output tables, government, employment and investment models. The model is based on the System Dynamics approach and built in VensimĀ®; it runs until the year 2050 and provides sophisticated tools for sensitivity analyses.

Policy assessment capabilities in ASTRA cover a wide range of policies with flexible timing and levels of the policy implementation. Potential policies include standard setting, infrastructure pricing, fuel taxation, speed limits, carbon taxes, trade policies etc. A strong feature of ASTRA is the ability to simulate and test integrated policy packages and to provide indicators for the indirect effects of transport on the economic system.



TRT Trasporti e Territorio


M-Five GmbH


Fraunhofer Isi